Practices - White Collar Defense & Government Enforcement

Fraud and Breach of Fiduciary Duties Defense

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Allegations of fraud, fraudulent conduct, or deception are serious legal matters for a business or individual.

Whether allegations involve claims of bank fraud, securities fraud, tax fraud, health care fraud, or fraud in corporate or interpersonal dealings such as breach of fiduciary duties, it needs to be handled decisively and by experienced fraud defense attorneys.

Superior Mastery of the Facts

DRM’s White Collar Defense lawyers defend clients against fraud charges, whether they are levied by the U.S. Attorney’s Office, federal agencies, the Vermont Attorney General’s Office, or Vermont state regulatory authorities. The attorneys use their experience and investigatory expertise in these matters to quickly and efficiently develop superior mastery of the facts, and then make effective legal and factual presentations to authorities, courts, or juries to defeat such claims.

Fraud cases often turn on pivotal and complex identification and presentation of evidence of intent. From years prosecuting and defending these cases, former chief federal prosecutor for Vermont Tris Coffin and his team have experience extracting the key, case-changing facts from a large mass of data or factual information, and presenting them in a way that cuts through less thorough analysis of a factual context or situation.

This fact-driven, analytic approach is effective in defending against a broad array of fraud claims:

  • claims prosecuted by government authorities
  • claims brought in a corporate governance or board context of publicly or privately-held entities
  • disputes between businesses or individuals.

Call on the DRM White Collar Group for effective, experienced fraud defense.

Litigator Matthew Borick

Matthew S. Borick


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Director Tristram J. Coffin

Tristram J. Coffin


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Attorney Jennifer McDonald

Jennifer E. McDonald


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Litigator Evan J. O’Brien

Evan J. O’Brien


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