DRM attorneys Tristram Coffin, Timothy Doherty, Jr. and Jennifer McDonald have released the findings of their investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct at the Vermont Department of Corrections (DOC) women’s prison, the Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility (CRCF). The Vermont Agency of Human Services engaged DRM to conduct an independent investigation into the prevalence and policy implications of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and sexual exploitation at CRCF as those problems relate to the culture, policies, and practices at the facility. The Investigatory Findings and Recommendations are included in the public Report. For more information, visit NECNSeven Days and VTDigger.

Listen to Jane Lindhom’s interview of Rep. Alice Emmons (D-Springfield), chair of the House Committee on Corrections and Institutions, and Ashley Messier, Executive Director of Women’s Justice and Freedom Initiative. They discuss what happens next.

H.435 is on the move at the Vermont State House. This bill addresses many of the recommendations made in our report. Read more here.