Readers, let’s help feed hungry Vermonters! VT Digger reports that Vermont food shelves are struggling to keep up as the COVID-19 pandemic drags on, with over 70,000 Vermonters currently dealing with hunger. Food shelves struggle to keep up as pandemic drags on – VTDigger. Here are some worthy organizations fighting to end hunger in Vermont. In early January, I visited the wonderful workers and volunteers at Loaves & Fishes in Brattleboro and witnessed firsthand the great work they do to prepare and distribute their no-questions-asked meals for the needy:
Hunger Free Vermont (
Feeding Chittenden – Alleviate hunger by feeding people and cultivating opportunities.
Lamoille Community Food Share (
Vermont Foodbank, the state’s largest hunger relief organization (
Vermont Everyone Eats! (
Loaves & Fishes | The Atlas | Vermont Farm to Plate (